
UTAX Embedded
March 13, 2015
Web Cashier
September 19, 2014
Watermarking is a feature that allows you to print a small portion of text to the top or bottom margin of every page. Typical uses of watermarking include:
  • Adding a username to the bottom of every page to help identify the owner.
  • Writing job metadata in the footer such as print time, printer or document name.
  • Applying a digital signature to help track and verify documents.

What Does a Watermark Look Like?

Watermarks can contain any fixed text or text from variables such as user, date/time and printer.

The watermark above includes variables for user name, date and time of printing and digital signature and was created with the settings below.

Digital Signatures

Digital signatures are a new and innovative feature added to PaperCut to help organizations track the origin, author and details of print jobs. It helps organizations track documents and encourages employees to be responsible with sensitive information.

Digital signatures use either a cryptographically secure HMAC or a Bates number.

A digital signature can be printed on all pages of a document.
The signature can then be used to locate job metadata such as author, time of print and document name.
Also see the Watermarking section of PaperCut manual.