Sheridan College – Canada

Sheridan College serves 400 high-capacity printers to over 20,000 students, staff, and faculty spread across three campuses. These clients run a mix of Windows, Mac, and Linux. PaperCut was the best fit for our scale in terms of features, support, and value.


University of Wisconsin – Fox Valley – USA

We switched from another software package to PaperCut. The difference has been night and day! The software is incredibly easy to install. Upgrades install quickly and easily with no hassles. For the few times that we’ve had issues, mainly with quirky or odd printers PaperCut support has been responsive and helpful. They’ve always been able to come up with a satisfactory resolution. The cost of the software is very reasonable and it has saved our institution (and in turn the tax payers) tens of thousands of dollars! I can easily say it’s one of the best programs our institution has ever purchased.


Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau School District, USA

Our paper waste is down, and we can quickly generate reports to show print usage. Also, with the integration of our copy machines, we are able to generate reports on all printing and copying from one interface. PaperCut is worth every penny!


The University of Melbourne – Australia

This product and the service provided has been excellent. We started using it within the department a few years ago (early 2008) for graduate student printing and photocoping (using PaperCut MF). This year 2010 the University student printing provider has adopted and implemented it for their University wide student printing. I like to see well designed software interfaces and this is reflected in the PaperCut offering.


Corfe Hills School – UK


Colchester Royal Grammar School – UK

PaperCut has proved invaluable to the school. It is very easy to use and has cut down our use of paper dramatically. Its many options and friendly interface makes it a joy to work with. I would recommend it any school.


Hobart College – Australia

Our College has been using PaperCut since mid September, last year. We’ve found it to be an excellent replacement for another trouble prone print charging product. PaperCut is clean, efficient and very easy to use and install. PaperCut doesn’t suffer from memory-leaks and random crashes like our previous system.


Cape Elizabeth School Department – USA


Parkdale Secondary College – Australia

We have been using PaperCut for since 1999 and have cut our toner and paper usage in half. The user enquiry tool encourages the students to be economical and responsible in the printer use. Waste bins near the printer are almost empty. We have found PaperCut very easy to set up and maintain for our 1000+ users. With the account creation rules and auto scheduling, PaperCut effectively manages itself.


Polytechnic of Namibia – Namibia


Thetford Academy – UK

We installed PaperCut to keep track of the amount of printing going on across the school. Easy to set up and use, PaperCut has reduced the amount of waste printing significantly. Always reliable, always there.


Welbourne Primary School – London, UK

We purchased PaperCut NG for the purpose of reducing the cost of printing. It works well for us in terms of awareness of printing and environment. The deployment is easy no need expert knowledge. In a primary school environment this product fits very well. We would recommend this product to any one in Education in this current climate of saving money.


Colmers School – UK

After using PaperCut NG for a year to monitor our print use, we have now started using it’s great features to reduce our print volume. In our second year we have saved over £5,000 on consumable costs, saved £12,000 on new printer hardware by halving the number of printers in our school, and reduced our print use by 62%. Fantastic!


American International School Vilnius – Lithuania

PaperCut’s tech-support response is excellent – precise, patient, and understanding. It’s comforting to know that PaperCut is a good product and has equally excellent support behind it!


Truckee Meadows Community College – USA

PaperCut NG has been a very cost effective solution to controlling runaway printing costs in our academic computing environment. Setup and access to reports has been easy and flexible. The initial investment has already been recouped in our first year of use. We have enjoyed a 50% savings in paper use and toner costs. In addition, students have enjoyed being able to track how ‘green’ they are and are more cognisant of their printing. This is a great product!


OZ Architects, USA


City Of Derby Academy

PaperCut is one of the best things that happened to our school, saving us thousands of pounds each year! The teachers and students all find the software useful and easy to use.


City College Brighton and Hove – UK

I have always been fond of your product since we first introduced it a year ago. I’ve recommended your product whenever the opportunity arose. ‘Getting under the hood’ and really figuring out how PaperCut works has impressed me even further. PaperCut is incredibly well thought out and well engineered, as demonstrated by the ease at which it can be clustered on a Novell iPrint environment. Too often I find “Third party” products seem to feel that they were cobbled together without much care or attention. This is not the case with PaperCut.


Peter Symonds College, UK

Migrating to PaperCut was an extremely straightforward process with an easy to understand architecture. This is backed up with excellent documentation and technical support. PaperCut has accelerated our move to “follow me” printing with deep integration with Ricoh MFPs. We always recommend PaperCut at any opportunity.


Point Cook P-9 College, Australia

PaperCut itself has been great, easy to use/install and for the tiny issues (at fault of my own) that I’ve had, the support calls get answered very quickly with very accurate information that has yet to fail me. 10/10 service!


Wall Templeton – USA

It’s a huge time saver. It does all the accounting for me. It provides easy access to printing from your desktop. It also brings in all the faxes and shoots the email directly to you.


Northbrook College – UK

We initially tested the beta Mac version of PaperCut. We have been using it since the beginning of official release. It was so good that we abandoned our existing Windows print accounting software. Since we have had trouble free print accounting on both Mac and Windows platforms and saved a hell of a lot of money. The technical support is the best I have ever come across. Always friendly efficient and available outside normal hours even with the timezone difference. Try it and you won’t regret it!


University of Utah – USA

In the seven years since I implemented Papercut I’ve only had three incidents where I’ve needed to contact Papercut Tech support. In each incident they were right on top of my problem and had my system fully functional in very short order. If all vendors were as easy to work with as these guys are IT support would be a much more pleasant world to live in. Thanks Papercut team!!!


Esher College, UK

PaperCut are by far the best company I have ever dealt with. Not only is the software reliable, lightweight, feature rich and constantly improving, the customer service and support we receive is first class.

We moved to PaperCut after using several other deficient print management solutions over the years. The improvements have been dramatic. We’ve saved thousands of pounds and the amount of time we’ve spent administering the system has dropped to almost nill. All that while being more feature rich and user friendly!


Longhill High School – UK

PaperCut has been flexible and reliable. It has done everything we’ve asked of it and has suceeded in cutting our printing costs significantly. I recommend it whenever I get the chance!


Royal Agricultural College – UK


Mount Erin College, Australia

We installed PaperCut in our school to replace an outdated print charging system and have never been happier! Great service, fast and reliable programming and easy to use interface make this one of our favourite programs to use!

Thanks guys!


The Wessex Reserve Forces and Cadets Association – UK

Thanks to your marvellous product we have saved over £300 pounds in the last month on people doing unauthorised printing. Your great support during our testing phase ensured an already straightforward deployment was achieved with the greatest of ease.


College of St. Scholastica, USA


Butler University -Indianapolis ,USA

I am not sure we could be any happier with a product than we are with PaperCut. Some products have a nice interface, some have great inner workings, and others have great support. PaperCut has it all – and it’s at a price you can’t beat.

Considering PaperCut’s complexity and power, it is remarkably simple to maintain. Not once in the 3 years we’ve had it have we come across an issue that their support hasn’t been able to resolve in just a couple of days (if not the same day).


Minneapolis College of Art & Design, USA

We began using PaperCut about 3 years ago and saw the impact right away. Just with monitoring/restrictions we saw reductions in waste. When we implemented full tracking/chargeback we saw further reductions and a *huge* savings to our academic and administrative departments. We love PaperCut! It’s been easy to implement and use and offers powerful and flexible tools. Best of all their support people have been terrific – among the best I’ve ever dealt with.

I cannot recommend PaperCut enough.


Frances Bardsley School – UK

PaperCut lets us have a consistent credit system between different operating systems and empowers us to manage users and printers seamlessly. A++


Coveris UKFC

We have been running Papercut for just over a year now, after a couple of weeks of learning how to produce some fancy scripts, we managed to set 10 central scripts which do various means of colour saving and assigning jobs to central accounts. Over the 12 month period we saved £46,758.60 by converting colour documents to grayscale, a month later and we reached £50k in savings. Papercut just keeps getting better with every release.


Maryborough SHS – Australia

We have been very happy with the software – works beautifully and has some great features for tracking printing of students. Our computer tech and I are both very pleased with its performance.


King George V School

This is definitely a marvellous server application, besides being a user friendly one. Since 2006 it has saved us tons of paper and printer toners. Currently we now subscribed to a 5 years contract with our vendor using PaperCut MF. Would gladly recommend this application to any institution.


Tibshelf School – UK

PaperCut was installed on the server over lunch, and immediately began logging, we quickly set our preferences for the whole site and by the end of the day we were ready to go live, in the last year our ink and paper bills have been cut in half.


Montserrat College of Art, USA

I can’t say enough good things about your company. The product is amazing, and the documentation and level of support are even better. There was an email list for a group of schools that brought up Papercut a week or so ago because one of the colleges was considering moving to it. Every single response sung the praises of Papercut. Keep up the good work!


Hochschule 21 – Germany

We have been using PaperCut for over 6 months now, the students are satisfied and administration is much easier. The support is very good and the developers know which functions are needed especially at a university. If other functions are needed, just tell the PaperCut team. Highly recommend, simply the best product we bought within the last year!


Texas Tech Univ Health Sciences Center Libraries – USA

Prior to implementing PaperCut many of our patrons were thoughtless or abusive when consuming printing resources, and our previous practice of manually managing print cards was inaccurate and burdensome. PaperCut practically manages itself, and because we needed a true cross-platform solution PaperCut was the perfect fit for our libraries.


St Paul’s International College – Australia

The only high usage system I’ve ever seen that doesn’t require regular maintenance, it just works brilliantly. It is the most stable system at our college, I only wish that more applications were as good and easy as this.

Les Jonson

Colby-Sawyer College

We’ve been using PaperCut for a long time, and it’s been nice to see it improve and grow with every new release. The documentation is outstanding as is the premium support. It’s been the ideal tool to help us work toward our sustainability goals connected to paper usage.

The user interface is clean and simple, and shows environmental impact in terms of trees, carbon and energy. This helps to remind our students why we encourage them to mind how much printing they do.


The International School of Penang (Uplands) – Malaysia


King Edward VI School – UK

PaperCut is easy to setup, configure and manage through the simple web console, with multi-platform support and a friendly, fast and efficient support channel.


Utah State University – USA


Castle Vale Performing Arts College – UK

Excellent software. Installed without an issue and just worked straight away flawlessly. So much customization available to admins and so many features too. Superb service and response to support requests and generally nice people to buy software from!


Jesus College, Cambridge University – UK

Well done on producing the best print charging solution I have used! PaperCut is fast, reliable and easy to manage. The advanced charging options provide excellent flexibility and the web administration interface is the icing on the cake.
