Running Central Reports

Access Central Reports at the URL https://[server-name]:9192/central-reports. You will see two tabs:

  1. Status - check the remote server status and whether you are ready to run reports

  2. Reports - generate on-demand and scheduled reports

Status Tab

The Status Tab shows the status of each configured remote servers and displays any errors that may prevent Central Reports from running.

Central Reports Status Tab

Figure 12.2. Central Reports Status Tab

Reports may not be generated if any server has an error. Typical errors include:

  1. Failing to connect to the database (incorrect authentication, firewall blocking access, configuration error).

  2. Servers have mis-matched application versions or database types.

Central Reports Tab

The Central Reports tab shows the reports available under Central Reports and allows reports to be generated on demand or to be scheduled for email delivery. Central Reports provides a sub-set of the reports available in the admin Reports interface, but the usage is the same. Please refer to Chapter 9, Reports for instructions on how to run reports and configure filters.

Select the Schedule / Email Reports tab to schedule Central Reports for periodic generation and automatically have them emailed to the appropriate people in your organization.