Available in PaperCut NG and PaperCut MF.

Add third-party integrations

PaperCut NG/MF has one of the biggest collections of third-party integrations around. They're all tried and tested with our customers, so give them a whirl to take your PaperCut NG/MF solution to the next level. To view the available third-party integrations:

  1. Select Options > Tools.

    The Tools page is displayed.

This page provides information about the following types of 3rd party integrations:

  • accounting

  • payment

  • miscellaneous


You can hide the Tools tab by changing the web.product-integrations.enabled config keyA config key stores information about a specific advanced setting in PaperCut. Config keys are editable by an administrator in the Config Editor. to N. For more information about config keys, see Using the Advanced Config Editor.